Has a door ever been opened for you?IMG_3878

You may be picturing a physical door that is being held by a kind person as you walk into your local grocery store.  However, I invite you to think back to a time when someone gave you an awesome recommendation for a job or  introduced you to an individual that was instrumental in changing your life’s projectory.

That person was your  Door Opener.  

These life events may have been a significant point for you. When was the last time you were intentional in opening a door for others?

Door Opener Academy is a consultation and facilitation group. We are in the business of empowering  youth, renewing the youth workers that serve them, packaging resilience and building the confidence required to invest in our greatest resource-the future.

We are expanding the community of Door Openers. But first, we need your key.

Are you ready to bring it?

Check out our services or Join our team